


KK[præŋk] DJ[præŋk]



Dr.eye 譯典通


“Ah, I see, it's a prank!!!" #Ann said infirmly.


on earth

ph.(常用於最高級或否定詞之後加強語氣)世界上, 人世間;(常用於疑問句後加強語氣)究竟, 到底

Dr.eye 譯典通


"If this is not the case, then what is #on #earth the reason why #Jay suddenly disappeared and we were locked inside?"



KK[͵ɪntɚpɛˋleʃən] DJ[in͵tə:peˋleiʃən]


Dr.eye 譯典通


After #Shaun listened the #interpellation from #Ann, he froze there without saying a word.





 等 #小安 仔細地檢查完門鎖後,他就轉向 #小軒 跟他說:「對,你說得沒錯,上面真的一點痕跡都沒有!!!」

#小軒 聽完 #小安 說後,臉上表情從剛剛緊繃的樣子到現在變成放鬆的狀態,彷彿 #小安 認同他的說法就有如打了一針安慰劑在他身上,心情也跟著放鬆了不少~

然後,#小安 盯著門鎖接著說:「那奇怪了,門是怎麼上鎖的?又是誰上鎖的?」





「啊?!你確定 #小傑 真的會這樣做嗎?」#小軒 不可置信地懷疑著小安的說法

「如果不是這樣,那你說到底是什麼原因讓 #小傑 突然消失不見,而我們也被反鎖在裡面呢?」

#小軒 聽完 #小安 地質問後就愣在那裡不發一語,然後他嘆口氣舉起右手指向後面說:「與其我們在這裡胡思亂想,要不要我們到別的地方查查看,說不定對於 #小傑 突然不見蹤影的事情可以發現一些線索?」




After #Ann carefully checked the door lock, he turned to #Shuan and said to him: "Yes, you are right, there aren't any damage marks on it!!!"

 After #Shuan listened #Ann's speaking, the tense expression on his face changed to a completely relaxed look, as if the injection was on him, and his mood also relaxed.

Then #Ann gazed at the door lock and said: "That's soooo weird, how is the door locked? Who locked it?"

"Hmm...I don't know"

“Ah, I see, it's a prank!!!"

"A prank?!"

"Yes~ I think it was #Jay who was angry that we didn't help him at the time then he got injured, so he secretly left in the middle of the night and locked us inside so that we could reflect on what happened before! ! ! "

"Ah?! Are you sure #Jay would really do this?" #Shuan doubted #Ann's statement incredibly.

"If this is not the case, then what is #on #earth the reason why #Jay suddenly disappeared and we were locked inside?"

After #Shaun listened the #interpellation from #Ann, he froze there without saying a word, then he sighed and raised his right hand to the back and said: "Rather than we are here thinking about it, shall we check it elsewhere? maybe we can find some clues about the sudden disappearance of #Jay?"

(to be continued~)


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