
KK[prəˋfjuslɪ] DJ[prəˋfju:sli]
adv. 大量地; 再三地
#Jay apologized to #Ann and #Shaun profusely.
後來他們持續地在 #小傑 躺的位置附近仔細搜索但依舊沒有發現他的身影後,#小軒 就跟 #小安 提議到其他地方找找看;#小軒 負責大門附近的地方,而 #小安 就負責他昨晚睡覺的地方,分頭進行。
過了10分鐘後,當 #小安 正要蹲下往桌子地下查看時,他就聽到 #小軒 大喊說:「#小安,快來幫忙!!!」
#小安 聽到 #小軒 的叫聲後,就立馬站起身子快速地往 #小軒 的方向跑去。
「#小軒,怎麼了?發生了什麼事情了?」#小安 一邊跑一邊地大聲詢問
等 #小安 總算跑到 #小軒 目前所處的位置後,他這才知道原來 #小軒 正滿頭大汗地使出他的全力想將眼前的大門給拉開。

"#Adventure" <#Secret #Chamber>
Later, after they continued to search carefully near #Jay's lying position but still did not find him, #Shuan and #Ann suggested to look for other places; #Shuan was in charge of the place near the gate, and #Ann was in charge of searching for the place where #Ann himself had gone to bed late last night. Then they did it separately.
After 10 minutes, when #Ann was about to squat down to look underneath the table, he heard #Shuan yelling, "#Ann, come and help right now!!!"
After #Ann heard #Shuan's cry, he immediately stood up and quickly ran towards #Shuan's direction.
"#Shuan, what's going on? What happened?" #Ann asked loudly as he ran.
``Eh... ah... ah... ah... ah...''
After #Ann finally ran to the position #Shuan was currently in, he realized that #Shuan was sweating profusely and using his full strength to open the door in front of him.
"Damn it!!! How could it be locked, it can't be opened at all now!!!"
(to be continued)



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