KK[pre] DJ[prei] vt. vi. 祈禱;祈求
We knelt down and prayed to God for help.
突然間!狂風四起,把正在專心凝視懸崖下方的 #小軒 吹落到懸崖邊……
在這一瞬間,#小軒 他認為他自己死定了……
情急之下,#小軒 下意識地伸出自己的右手緊緊地抓住峭壁邊,防止自己會因此墜落下去……
Suddenly! The wind is blowing up, blowing #Shuan who was staring intently at the bottom of the cliff to the edge of the cliff...
At this moment, #Shuan thought he was dead...
In desperation, #Shuan subconsciously stretched out his right hand to tightly grasp the edge of the cliff to prevent himself from falling...
"DAMN..." He was sweating and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that someone would come to save him at this time...
(#An……#n, where are you now? Come and save me…)
“#ANN !!!"
(To be continued)