#draw KK[drɔ] vt. 吸引
No man can come to me, except the Father which sent me draw him: and I will raise him up in the last day.
【John 6:44 】
【約翰福音 6:44】
過了沒多久, #小軒 才回神過來,並鼓起勇氣慢慢地接近那突然燃起火焰的燈檯。每當他靠近一步,照在他身上的光就越來越亮,讓他眼光一直被那火焰吸引,久久不能自己。
It didn't take long before #Shuan came back to his senses and plucked up the courage to slowly approach the lampstand that suddenly lit up with flames. Every time he took a step closer, the light shining on him became brighter and brighter, causing his eyes to be #attracted to the flames, and he couldn't help himself for a long time.
(To Be Continued)