追夢尋記番外篇冒險奇遇記之密室42 (1).jpg


KK[ˋkɔlɪŋ] n.呼喊;呼召

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your #calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.【2 Peter 1 10~11】

所以弟兄們,應當更加殷勤,使你們所蒙的恩召和揀選堅定不移。你們若行這幾樣,就永不失腳。 這樣,必叫你們豐豐富富的得以進入我們主救主耶穌基督永遠的國。
【彼得後書 1:10~11】

#小軒 勉強站了起來後,發現四周圍烏漆一片,但在不遠處看到有一扇門半掩著,微微的光彷彿在招手著呼喊著 #小軒, 讓他不得不往那方向走去……
#Shuan reluctantly stood up and found that there was darkness all around, but not far away he saw a door half-opened, and the glimmering light seemed to be waving and #calling #Shuan, making him have to go in that direction...


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