KK[ˋhɛzə͵tet] DJ[ˋheziteit]
vi.躊躇;猶豫;說話吞吞吐吐. (奇摩字典)
He did not hesitate to ask her to sit beside him.
正當 #小軒 正百思不得其解時,他突然聽到 #小安 在喊他的名字...
「啊?!」#小軒 #遲疑 了一下,因為他剛發現他們找到的積木竟然可以隨著溫度而變化大小,正感到好奇想要一探究竟,實在無法抽身前去查看。但想以 #小安 的個性應該是真的發現很重要的事情才會喊的這麼急,所以他接著說:「喔~好,我這就過來!」
於是 #小軒 將積木收進他的口袋裡,然後走到 #小安 的身旁問他說:「怎麼了嗎?」
「小...小...#小軒 你聽,是不是有一個奇怪的聲音正從這幅畫傳出來?!」
Just when #Shuan was puzzled, he suddenly heard #Ann calling his name...
"#ShuanShuanShuan...Can you come over? I found something strange, you'd better come and take a look!"
"Ah?!" #Shuan #hesitated for a while, because he just found out that the bricks they found could change in size with the temperature. But he knows #Ann's personality, he would be so anxious when he really found something important, so he continued, "Oh~ OK, I'll come over here!"
So #Shuan put the bricks in his pocket, then walked to #Ann and asked him, "What's wrong?"
"#Shu...#Shu...#Shuan...Listen, is there a strange sound coming from this painting?!"
"......Well, you're right, there really is a voice coming from here! Sounds like the sound of gears?!"
"Gear?! Could it be a ticking time bomb!!!"
(To be continues~)