all of a sudden
ph. 突然地
All of a sudden, Mary rushed out the door because she is almost late for work.
突然間瑪莉衝出門外 因為她工作快遲到了。
#小軒 聽到 #小安 這樣說後就一臉吃驚地說:「不會吧?!」
在 #小軒 還沒來得及阻止 #小安 碰那幅畫時,只見 #小安 伸出右手觸碰那幅畫!
When #Shuan heard #Ann said this, he was with a look of surprise and said: Really?!
Huh?! What is this?!
Before #Shuan could stopped #Ann from touching the painting, he reached out his right hand to touch the painting!
All of a sudden!! That picture is just......
(To be continues~)